Busshi (Buddha statue sculptor) ✖︎ Zen monk

Born in Shizuoka prefecture. Learned woodworking from an early age under the guidance of his father, who was a carpenter.
At age nineteen, embarked on eight years of travel to Central Asia (Afghanistan), Europe, Africa, South America, and East Asia, including his home country of Japan.
Through his solitary travels, he became acquainted with Oriental philosophy and Zen Buddhism, which led him to the open doors of a Zen temple.
He practiced traditional Japanese Buddhist-statue woodcarving, and his work is created through Zazen and Buddhist teachings. His sculptures, and the mediums in which he works, are notably diverse, consisting of woodcarving, ceramics, bronze figures, restorations of historical Buddhist statues, and a variety of installations.
He has also participated in live Buddha-sculpting artistic performances, both solo and in collaboration with musicians.
In 2024, at a Spanish Zen monastery, Takuo became the first person in history to create the Buddhist statue ”Kannon 観世音菩薩立像” in Western world using local Lebanon cedar.
He remains an active traveler, drawing inspiration from various cultures, philosophies, and all living things, which (especially the trees he uses in his woodcarving) express different climates unique to their localities. Through his artwork, he endeavours to realize and express true diversity, harmony, and the limitlessness of the world in which we live.
Takuo Hasegawa’s mission is to represent the innate freedom which all things share in common by creatng physical forms of art. He creates his works with a perspective that transcends the dualisms of "people and nature", "material and spirit" and "good and evil."

✖︎ What is Buddhist art?
All Buddhist art are created based on the Buddhist three jewels (三宝),
・Buddha 仏
・Dharma 法
・Sangha 僧
At Mahayana Buddhist guidelines the three dharma marks (三法印),
・All existence are impermanence (諸行無常)
・All phenomena are selflessness (諸法無我)
・Nirvana is tranquility (涅槃寂静)

There are many Buddhist art cultures, Gandhara, Gupta, Tibetan, Theravada, Pure land and so on. And He thinks five characteristics of ZEN Art,
・simple 簡素
・tranquil 静寂
・poverty 質素
・natural 自然
・imperfect 不完全
The Japanese sense of beauty “Wabi-sabi (侘び寂び)” are coming from those characteristics.

✖︎ work of beyond duality
Takuo does not make a Buddha statue “using" wood and clay; in this work, wood, clay, water, and fire together “comprise" Buddha Nature.
His work is made through the dynamic relationship between the four elements – earth 土, water 水, fire 火, and wind風 – based on his understanding of natural phenomena. His carving aims to draw beauty out of nature and to express Buddhist wisdom and compassion. His Buddha statue has natural cracks and imperfections, unlike the golden or colorful images Buddhist artists normally present. Instead, Takuo creates earthier, more natural works by channeling the philosophy underling the Buddhist characteristics of “impermanence,” “selflessness,” and ”nirvana.”
The Buddha is ourselves. Every person possesses a different body, mind, and character, and nobody passes through life without suffering injuries and scars. Whereas injuries and scars are often viewed as imperfections, in truth they merely exist as they are, beyond duality, acquiring timeless beauty and resonating with tranquility.

Takuo Hasegawa

Buddha Statue Sculptor ✖︎ ZEN Monk

現代仏教美術を牽引する仏師 / 禅僧
1983年、静岡県生まれ。幼少より大工の父の元で木工に触れる。19歳で当時戦争直後のアフガニスタンへ赴き、その後ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、南米、アジア各国を巡り、様々な思想、宗教、文化、自然に触れ、現代の問題に対面する。8年に及ぶ旅の中で 、” ZEN ” に現代的可能性を見出し、仏門を叩く。
2024年、歴史上初めて西洋での仏像彫刻、ヨーロッパ杉(Lebanon cedar)による”総一木造り観世音菩薩立像”をスペインShorinjiにて謹刻する。

✖︎  仏教美術の展望
・ 簡素 ・ 静寂 ・ 質素 ・ 自然 ・ 不完全があり、


『ホトケ』 と 『ブッダ』 
「ホト」 ー日本の古語。古事記や日本書紀にて、神々が産まれ出た所。
「ケ」 ー日本民俗文化の主要素「ハレ・ケ・ケガレ」の一。毛・気・褻と表記され、髪の毛、まつ毛、など「ケ」は自分の意思でなく自然と育成するもの、生命力の現れとしてみられてきた。
—— 総じて、『ホトケ』とは、生命が産まれ出る根源を指す。

6世紀、日本へ伝わった大乗仏教では、『ブッダ Buddha (サンスクリット語で「目覚めた人」の意)』は歴史上に現れたゴータマ・ブッダだけに限らず、無数の菩薩・如来たちが存在する。自分の救いだけではなく、誰もが救われる道を説く"一切衆生悉有仏性"の思想を受け、日本の風土と結びつき全ての生きとし生けるものが『ホトケ』と呼ばれる様になった。





Buddha Statue Sculptor / ZEN Monk

1983, Born in Shizuoka, Japan.Learned woodworking from an early age under the guidance of his father, who was a carpenter.
2002, Embarked on eight years of travel to Central Asia (Afghanistan), Europe, Africa, South America, and East Asia, including his home country of Japan.Through his solitary travels, and he became acquainted with Oriental philosophy and Zen Buddhism.
2010, He decided to become monk and knock the door of Soto Zen temple Gyokuden-in(founded by Ian Kishizawa). But His master monk said to him that “no need to become 'business monk', keep practicing in this social life by Bodhisattva”, and introduced him the way of Buddhist statue sculptor.
He became a apprentice of Busshi (Japanese Traditional Buddhist sculptor) Shomyo Fukui.
2013, He moved to Kanazawa city where the hometown of his big influenced by D.T. Suzuki.
2014, Went on an expedition in Tibet, China, India, Nepal, and Theravada Buddhist countries, for study and trace the source of Buddhism and Buddhist art over 5 years.
2017, Became a member of directors of IDGA(International Desert's Green Association) ,teaching environmental education and planting trees at Gobi-Desert and Ethiopia, as well as Japan.
2022, Received ordination as a monk by Soto Zen master Ryokou Tatsumi.
He visit practicing Zen as Unsui(雲水) in Spanish zen temple Shorinji under the Zen master Barbara Kosen, and teaching and introducing Buddhist statue carving and Buddhist art culture to European Zen temple.
2024, at a Spanish Zen monastery, Takuo became the first person in history to create the Buddhist statue ”Kannon 観世音菩薩立像” in Western world using local Lebanon cedar.

He remains an active traveler, drawing inspiration from various cultures, philosophies, and all living things, which (especially the trees he uses in his woodcarving) express different climates unique to their localities. Through his artwork, he endeavours to realize and express true diversity, harmony, and the limitlessness of the world in which we live.
Takuo Hasegawa’s mission is to represent the innate freedom which all things share in common by creatng physical forms of art. He creates his works with a perspective that transcends the dualisms of "people and nature," "material and spirit," and "good and evil."

Takuo Hasegawa


仏師 / 禅僧

1983年, 静岡県生まれ。大工の父を持ち、幼少より木工に触れる。
2002年, 大学を辞め、9.11~戦争直後のアフガニスタンへ赴く。その後、ヨーロッパ諸国、北アフリカ、南米、中東、アジア、日本国内を巡る。8年に及ぶ旅の中で様々な思想や文化、現代の問題に触れる中で、仏教、東洋思想に惹かれ、鈴木大拙と出会い、禅に現代的な可能性を見つける。
2010年, 禅に自分の道を定め、出家を決める。曹洞宗眼蔵家・岸澤惟安禅師開山の田中山旭傳院の門を開く。住職より「出家僧侶の道ではなく、俗世の中にて仏道を生きる道」を説かれ出家をとどまり、在家として坐禅を続ける。旭傳院に鎮座する彫刻家・辻晉道の仏像彫刻に出会った縁により、京仏師の流れを汲む仏師・福井照明氏に弟子入り修行する。
2013年, 仏像彫刻の現代的表現と自己の現代的参禅生活を求め、仏教哲学者鈴木大拙の故郷金沢へ移住する。宗派問わず様々な寺へ参禅を続ける。
2014年, 5年間をかけ、チベット、ネパール、インド、モンゴル、中国、タイやラオスなどの仏教遺跡を巡り、各地仏教美術、仏教思想、東洋思想の歴史と文化の現地調査を行う。
2017年, 国際植林NGO•IDGAの理事となり、モンゴル自治区ゴビ砂漠、アフリカエチオピア、日本国内での植樹、森林保全、緑化環境教育を行い、「人間と自然環境」の現代的在り方を模索する。
2022年, 曹洞宗本源山廣誓寺、巽亮光和尚の元で出家得度する。
雲水として、スペイン双竜山照林寺にてヨーロッパで最初の女性出家得度者であるフランス人禅僧侶 Barbara Kosen老師の元で参禅修行を始める。また、ヨーロッパへの仏像彫刻の伝導、指導と、仏教美術の紹介を行う。
2024年, 歴史上初めてとなる西洋での仏像彫刻、ヨーロッパ杉(Lebanon cedar)による”総一木造り観世音菩薩立像”をスペインShorinji にて謹刻する。

——— 現在も、雲水としてスペイン、フランス、スイス等、ヨーロッパ各国の禅寺にて現地僧侶と共に参禅修行を続け、仏像彫刻と仏教美術の文化と精神、技術の伝導と指導を行う。また、アートギャラリーにて現代の仏像として作品の発表を行う。


長谷山 観音院 秘仏 難陀竜王像 雨宝童子像
東香山 大乗寺 白山妙理大権現  
光顕山 玉泉寺 阿弥陀如来坐像   
安江八幡 金澤水天宮 天之御中主神像
スペイン 双竜山 照林寺 観世音菩薩立像

✖︎ 現代の仏像を求めて


長谷川琢士 九拝



Please contact me, If you would like to order made Buddhist statue or request live carving performance or have an interview. Thank you.
